
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bob Davis and I am a retired engineer who did some work in various medical projects, but not as a doctor or other medical practitioner. These free Alternative Cancer Reports are paraphrased from many published sources. The position and attitude that I express in these reports is the attitude and position of the mainstream practitioners of alternative medicine. I am not allowed to diagnose or prescribe. I am allowed to report on published work, some of which will be referenced in these reports.
My purpose and hope is to encourage those with cancer, especially those who have been dismissed as hopeless as well as those who are dissatisfied with the inability of conventional medicine to successfully treat their disease, and with the severity of surgery, x-ray and chemo therapy, which are the only options that are offered by conventional medicine.

Prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, liver cancer, bladder cancer, etc., each have their own kinds of conventional treatments.

The alternative treatments offered on this site are not kind or site specific, because they do not direct their action against the cancer directly. The protocols suggested on this site address the root of the cancer problem, the non-operating immune system.

Regardless of the kind or the stage of the cancer, the body can efficiently address the cancer if the immune system is restored to function.