Alternative therapies are another way to address the cancer issue. These forms of therapies are not offered through biomedical advice. Rather, it is up to the individual to seek out information. Any research findings would not be readily available through biomedicine sources so it becomes a challenge for the individual to find information by the search-and-seek method. However, once you do find information based on successful research, the information begins to sound like a healthier alternative in treating cancer. In fact, Dr. Patrick Quillin, Vice President of Nutrition for Cancer Treatment Centers of America and nationally recognized expert on nutrition in cancer treatment, states that alternative cancer therapies have demonstrated an improvement in quality and quantity of life in cancer patients who are given no hope for recovery from conventional treatments. Minor side effects and out-of pocket expenses are the only risks to consider. Typically, the costs are less than 10% of standard cancer therapies (Quillin 14). And, once again, the issue of money becomes a factor because health insurance companies do not cover alternative treatments because they have not been “proven” by the FDA. And interestingly, as Dr. Quillin states, “Cancer patients, also, need a broader scope of treatment options. To quote Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, 2400 years ago: ‘Extreme diseases call for extreme measures.’ Nutrition therapy, surely, is no more extreme than chemo, radiation therapy or surgery” (Quillin 14). Through alternative research it has been found that improving nutritional needs for cancer patients has been the key point to success. Malnutrition kills forty percent of all cancer victims (Quillin 53). But it is important to keep in mind that you must starve the tumor and not the patient to achieve total success. Nutritionally, this can be accomplished by following a concise plan using proper fruits and vegetables along with megadoses of antioxidants, cell oxygenators, vitamins and minerals, calcium, and other immune building supplements. While the body is being fed, the tumor is receiving less attention because the body environment is becoming less favorable for tumor growth. Changing the body’s environment is much like changing the factors in experimental cell growth controlled in laboratories. If any important factor is deleted or altered cells can change or die. This is much what nutritional therapy does. Adding the proper nutrition alters the body’s environment to change the cancer’s comfort zone. Antioxidants are the most impressive because they can kill cancer but not healthy cells (Quillin 113). Anne Frahm, author of A Cancer Battle Plan, is a cancer survivor who used an alternative approach after first following her doctor’s recommendations of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, and watched her health deteriorate to near death. She followed a nutrution plan developed by a nutritionist. She found the first step was internal cleansing and detoxification and to regain a healthy liver (53). Next she had to become involved in juicing fresh fruits and vegetables to include the live enzymes that all living cells require (Frahm 60). What follows becomes the most important principle of regaining your health, the use of vitamins and supplements to rebuild your body and its immune system. Antioxidants are the most powerful source available. Let us look into the research of antioxidants.