Thesis References


The Alternative Medicine Sourcebook is part of Omnigraphic’s Health Reference Series and provides basic information for a broad range of medical concerns. The Sourcebook is written by Claire Cassidy, Ph.D., James S. Gordon, M.D., Ralph W. Moss., Ph.D., and Richard Pavek. Allen Cook is the editor and the Series is reviewed by an advisory board comprised of librarians from public, academic, and medical libraries.

Works Cited

“Advanced Cancer Care–Close to Home.” Best of Health Fall 1998.

Altman, Roberta, and Michael J. Sarg. The Cancer Dictionary. New York: Facts on File, 1992.

Cook, Allan R. Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Detroit: Omnigraphics, 1999.

“Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.” CIS:Lexis-Nexis. 17 Feb. 2000


Epstein, Samuel S. The Politics of Cancer Revisited. New York: East Ridge Press, 1998.

Epstein, Samuel S. Lecture on “The Politics on Cancer.” Neways International Convention.

Long Beach Convention Center, 26 Feb. 2000.

Dorgan, Charity Anne, ed. Statistical Record of Health & Medicine. New York: Thomson, 1995.

Frahm, Anne E, and David J. Frahm. A Cancer Battle Plan. New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1992.

Keane, Maureen, and Daniella Chace. What to Eat if You Have Cancer. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1996.

“Partners in Caring for the Terminally Ill.” Education Classes for Staff. Hospice of the Western Reserve. Heather

Hill Hospice Center, Munson Twp, Ohio 27-30 Jan. 1998.

“Questions and Answers About Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer

Treatment.” National Cancer Institute Site CIS.17Feb.2000


Quillin, Patrick. Beating Cancer with Nutrition. Tulsa: Nutrition Times Press, 1994.

Whitney, Eleanor Noss, and Sharon Rady Rolfes. Understanding Nutrition. 4th ed. Belmont:

Wadsworth, 1999.

Wilk et al. v. the American Medical Association, Nos. 87-2672, 87-2777, U.S. Court of Appeals

for the Seventh Circuit, 1990. Academic Universe: Lexis-Nexis.4 Mar. 2000,


Wolfe, Joanne, et al. “Symptoms and Suffering at the End of Life in Children with Cancer. “The

New England Journal of Medicine. 342.5 (2000):326-333.

Woodham, Anne, and David Peters. Encyclopedia of Healing Therapies. New York:Dorling

Kindersley, 1997.

About Pat Alves

Pat Alves is the Regional Coordinator for the Cancer Prevention Coalition, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to reducing escalating cancer rates through a comprehensive strategy of outreach, public education, advocacy and public policy initiatives. Pat is also a local director in the Chardon area, and works personally with the neighboring community chapters by speaking at all area meetings. Pat has been involved personally with cancer issues since 1997 when her father was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (lymphoma) and given six months to live. Through her comprehensive study of alternative choices she was able to develop a plan that changed the outcome of her father's diagnosis. He was cancer free in four months. Since that time Pat has joined Cancer Prevention Coalition and has offered hope to any family or organization that is interested in hearing about prevention and alternative choices by speaking at meetings and through local radio broadcasts. Cancer topics are not her only subjects that she speaks about. She speaks on alternative health issues that currently have no cures, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, hormone replacement therapy and digestive disorders and helps people to understand their responsibility in making right choices about change and recovery. Pat also teaches clinics on Essential Oils, the aromatherapy and ancient approach of healing through oils and is an authorized representative of Neways International, the manufacturer of the purest essential oils in the world. Pat currently lives with her husband and daughter in Chardon, has two older children and is grandmother of two girls. She is currently studying in the area of BioScience Technology at Lakeland Community College. She is a member of the Lakeland Civic Band for 26 years, plays the flute, and is a professional seamstress with a home based sewing business.